Hedge Fund Advisory Solutions
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The Long and The Short

November 2023 Chartpack

Stocks posted their best month in over a year, with all major indexes gaining over 8%. Bond yields had their biggest monthly decline since 2008, fueling gains in stocks and speculative assets.

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Aaron Sweeney
October 2023 Chartpack

Hedge funds, especially equity long/short funds, have added value in recent months. Systematic equity strategies benefited from market volatility, while fundamental strategies lagged.

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Aaron Sweeney
Hedge Funds & Higher Rates (Study)

The 2010’s featured a near zero risk-free rate, which impacted capital flows. With IRR assumptions tethered to free money, there was a seemingly infinite bid to unprofitable growth opportunities. Meanwhile, the real economy was adversely impacted by the distorted capital expenditure framework. Investors stretched for high returning investment propositions across venture, private equity, public growth equity, and public and private credit.

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Aaron Sweeney
H121 Here Comes the Sun?

The markets are trading on a choose your own destiny path where naive relationships, like growth stocks to rising interest rates, cause the Nasdaq 100 and US interest rates to trade in lockstep. Actively managed investment strategies are caught in the cross-hairs. Sadly, the current status quo in markets can continue over the medium-term. Inflation pressures are cast away as transitory, while daily covid fear mongering seeks to keep people home and on the government dole. Bidding the S&P 500 higher, ordering Chinese takeout and binge watching a Chess mini-series appeals to many as an optimal pursuit. Market structure fragility however, remains the nasty undercurrent. Policy makers seek to quash market volatility, but the markets were pushed dangerously close to their breaking point on multiple occasions during the first half of the year. How long and by what means can policy makers keep it all together?

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Aaron Sweeney
Hedge Fund Perspectives Volume 1 Issue #1

In This Issue: Our inaugural Volume 1 Issue #1 covers a broad range of topics including Q1 2021 hedge fund results, 2020’s hedge fund highlights as well as current market themes. The Fed, Inflation, Commodities, China, Retail flows and violent market rotations are in focus

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Aaron Sweeney
HF Nov 2020 Performance Snapshot

Speculative conditions were omnipresent in November where the share prices of companies facing bankruptcy rose by 50% to 100%. Morgan Stanley observes that November 2020 was the worst "alpha" month for hedge funds since September 2019. HF underperformance accelerated into month-end but when the dust settled, hedge funds did in fact deliver healthy profits on an absolute basis.

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Aaron Sweeney
Virtual Diligence Meetings: Bridging the gap

Hedge fund investors uniformly agree there are some positives to virtual hedge fund meetings, but the in-person Q&A sessions will be coming back. A shot in the arm will bring back a flurry of networking, meetings and hedge fund conferences. In the meantime, the hedge fund investment community will remain glued to their screens. However, as much as there is certainty for a surge of in-person exchange, the virtual meeting will be much more common in the future as well.

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Aaron Sweeney
State of the HF Industry = THRIVING !

Q3 witnessed investor inflows to hedge funds for the first quarter in two years. Finally, investors are catching on to the fact that the good old days of the 2010s are over. 2020's market conditions characterized by elevated volatility, high intra sector and intra-asset class dispersion, are favorable for long/short hedge fund strategies and a bit more challenging for traditional long-only investment approaches.

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Aaron Sweeney
Special Situations Memo: US Election Snapshot

The market is clearly geared for a Biden victory and the potential for an increase in market volatility seems under appreciated by market participants, but a market crisis event spurred by the US election is a low probability. Equity Long/Short managers continue to focus on bottom-up stock picking, which has been highly successful YTD, while Global Macro strategies remain tactical heading into the election, but with a trading roadmap depending on outcomes.

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